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Hi, my name is Mark Errington, Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!   Click to listen highlighted text! Hi, my name is Mark Errington, Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!


Mark Errington

Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!

Laugh and the World Laughs with You...Cry and You Cry Alone.


This phrase is a popular saying that suggests that people are more likely to want to be around others who are happy and positive, and less likely to want to be around those who are sad or negative. It means that when you are happy and laughing, you will attract others who want to share in your joy and be a part of your positive energy. But when you are sad and crying, you are more likely to push people away and be left alone with your sadness.

It is a reminder that our attitudes and emotions can have a significant impact on those around us and the quality of our relationships. It encourages us to cultivate a positive mindset and to seek out support and connection when we are struggling.

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