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Hi, my name is Mark Errington, Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!   Click to listen highlighted text! Hi, my name is Mark Errington, Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!


Mark Errington

Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!

California Conservation Corps
Star Route 3, Box 50
Paynes Creek, CA. 96075

I worked at this location doing forest work for 3 months in 1979. I was 21 years old. I left because I didn't like it when I came back to my bed and it was turned over because I didn't make my bed the way staff wanted made. Hey guys, we are NOT in the army so why treat us this way?  After a few times of this bed turning over thing and after I got my car I was out of there. 

A day with a forest ranger: At the camp, one person had to spend the day with a forest ranger that was next to the camp. Within walking distance. My day with the forest ranger was; we went out with a jack hammer to break up some concrete slaps. So there I go first time using a big jack hammer. Not these small guys but a real good size jack hammer. I would do some hammering with the forest ranger right next to me. Then we would go some place else and do some more hammering. After lunch we went for a ride out in the forest or brush with a large bulldozer. I can remember standing outside of the bulldozer while the forest ranger was driving. Our first trip was right straight for a bunch of very high brushes. Not sure the reason for the trip but maybe there was nothing else for me to do so this nice but quiet forest ranger took me for a ride. It lasted for about 20 minutes.

How did we eat? Everyday for breakfast it was setup as a buffet style. I think a person served you one portion from each container of food. So if you wanted seconds you had to wait until everyone has gone through. In each container was scramble eggs, beacon or sausage, maybe hash browns and toast. For lunch, you was out in the forest. So you picked a soda or water, you got a small bag of chips, and a sandwich. When it was raining and you was out in the forest. There was a place where we went for shelter only at lunch time. After that, you was out in the rain working. As for dinner. It was a buffet style meal but I don't remember what I ate. All the food I ate here was very good or just good. I never had any food that I did not like or that there was never any bad food served.

How we slept. There was about 5 beds to one big room Each person had sheets covering their area. If you go into their area it was a big deal. My bed was out in the open next to the door. The camp was co-ed. Our building was very big. One side was for the boys and the other side was for the girls. If you had a boyfriend or girlfriend and wanted them to sleep over it was okay. As I was there, no boys bothered any girls. I did find a girl I kind of like and we hanged out a few times. At one point she said that there was something wrong with her small motor bike. So one night we went to look at it. It was in a small storage shed with a couch. Just after I was looking at it she said there was nothing wrong with it. She just wanted to get alone with me. So we kissed and made out on the couch. That was it. We never talked again after that.

As for the laundry. When you wanted something washed you would but your cloth in a wash bag with your name on it and leave it in a big bag. Later on that day or the next day, your cloths was done and you just stop but to pick up your bag. The washers and dryers, I think there was two each, was commercial size.

Before you are placed at your main location camp you have to train for a month at a different location. I don't remember where the first location was but I do remember that at the training location if you want to leave at any time you got a free one way bus ticket home. No questions asked. This happened to me. On my bus ride full of people like me going to the training center At one of many stops a long the way a girl came on the bus and sat behind me because next to me a guy was sitting there. For some reason the cute girl behind me was taking to talk to me and I talked back. a short time later she asked if she could sit next to me. So I asked the guy next to me if he could trade places with her. He said yes, and they switch seats. For the next few hours we talked and at some point she laid her head on my shoulder. I was next to the window so I laid my head close to the window. After we got to our training center we parted but met up a few times. I was falling for her but a few weeks later she was keeping her distance from me. I asked her friend what was going on and she said that she's pregnant. It turned out she was a run-a-way and needed to go some place to think. I was very sad and wanted to leave the training center. So I said I wanted to leave and a few hours later I was in a station wagon with two nice guys from the training center driving me to town. It was about an hour drive. All the time we were driving the guys was reminding me that we can turn around and go back if you decide you wanted to go back. All this time I was thinking about what am I doing. About 45 minutes of driving I asked if I could go back. And they said, yes. This song reminds me of the time I spent at the camp liking her. "Shake It by Ian Matthews".

One night at the training center we had a talent contest. About 300 to 400 young adults were there. It was like being in high school. A few people went up on stage and did their thing. Not everyone was real quiet while someone was on stage. We were here to have fun and because it was our last night at the training center. The next day we were going to see where we will be going for our main location. In the mean time, everyone was kind of quietly talking while someone was on stage. At one point this guy with a guitar came on stage. I have seen this guy around playing his guitar but never stopped to hear him play. When he got on stage and started to play his guitar everyone was still talking. But a few seconds later everyone slowly stopped talking to hear him play. This guy was good! He was playing, Cocaine by Eric Clapton.

Name Play Size Duration
Eric Clapton

4.9 MB 3:34 min
Shake It
Ian Matthews

2.9 MB 3:08 min

This is a small cabin on the property just a few yards down the road. A small group of young adults went there to drink free beer. I have a picture (35mm slide) of beer bottles stack up against the front of this cabin.

After a few months of being here I decided to leave. After all I went back to California to get my car and so I had I freedom back. About a week after coming back this place I thought I would take some pictures. As I was taking some pictures of these guys playing softball they thought I was going this for everyone but soon I left. I have about 36 or more pictures of this place. They are all on 35mm slide film. Meaning I will have to get negative made from the slides. I have the equipment to do this because when I was working at photo labs I wanted to do slide jobs so I bought a slide duplicator. With this I can make a negative from a slide.

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