The apartments I did manage from August 2006 to October 2011 was
The Wood Tree Apts (just 14 units) and Valley 4-Plex (just 4 units) on SW Allen Blvd, and SW Valley Ave in Beaverton, OR.
The ONLY payment I received was $100 off my rent! I think I was ripped off!
My duties of two people was:
- Onsite Manager (Full Time) / On call 24/7 / While Working Another Full Time Job
- Clean around the apartment complex
- Get apartment ready for new tenant (I cleaned whole Apt, I shampooed the carpets, I painted the whole apt, and did any maintenance)
- Fix any small repairs like; Electrical, Plumbing, Drywall, etc.
- Dealt promptly with all means of contact from tenants and potential tenants
- Verified that rental applications were properly completed
- Faxed the completed applications with all documentation to the outside screening company for review
- Reviewed the returned applications and determined the rental status of the potential tenant based on that review
- Prepared the lease and all addenda included in the rental packet
- Met with the potential tenants to complete the leasehold process
- Collected and Deposit the Rent
- Provided receipts to tenants as needed.
- To record the rents I had to buy this software with my own money, $250, Rental Property Manager 2
- Mediated in tenant-to-tenant disputes
- Established payment plans to collect back rent in a timely manner (this was up to the owner)
- Developed working contacts on a first-name basis with staff of all regulatory agencies in the community
- Developed the majority of necessary forms used in recording data for company management
- Recorded all necessary entries in the property's financial records for submission to the company
- Developed and maintained the individual tenants' ledger records
- Contacted the utility company to inform of the change in tenant status so that the proper bill would result
- Controlled the parking lots by verifying that tenants were properly parking their vehicles
- Verified that the laundry facilities were available to tenants in working order during specified hours and cleaned
- Secured the laundry facilities during off periods
- Maintained the cleanliness of common areas
- Scheduled maintenance tasks promptly upon notification of a problem or I would do the maintenance myself.
- Determined that the correction was properly completed to tenant satisfaction
- I did small plumbing repairs (fix a leaky faucet, unclog drains, fix toilet, etc.)
- I did small electrical work (replace the connector for the stove''s burner, replace a electrical socket, etc.)
- I painted about 25 apartments during this time, and never got paid for doing it.
For ALL of this I should of received:
Free Rent for 2-bedroom, which I did not get. I had to pay about $100.00 per month.
About $200 per month for Petty Cash Funds for both Apts I managed, which I did not get (Total:$3,690.00)
Payment for Painting 25 Apts after tenants moved out, which I did not get (Total: $5,450.00)
Payment for Repairs to Apts, which I did not get (Total: $828.00)
Skills: Rent Deposits · Rent Collection · Management · Painting · Residential Leasing · Security · Security Cameras · Apartment Manager · Maintenance and Repair · Customer Service · Carpet Cleaning · Professional Cleaning